[Day 18 + 19] The Mighty Boosh Halloween Special of Doom - Fanart

Dec 20, 2012 01:52

So I just watched what I assume was behind a Sherlock/Wallander crossover fic that had me fascinated a year or so ago. It also had me completely flabbergasted, I suppose because, as it at times happens, I had not deemed it necessary to read all of the author's notes, etc...   The Man Who Smiled, you know, the Kenneth Branagh Wallander with (Tom Hiddleston in case you're into that bit of man and) Rupert Graves. The entire idea makes so much more sense now... I should maybe mention that the fic was as far as the slash goes Wallander/Lestrade. Nice. I shall see where I put it, or if I put it anywhere at all... There is still that one very inspiring scene that I will fanart in dirty ways and never show anyone.

[EdiT: I found the fic :D We are NOT going to Cardiff by gloria_scott.]

Next, art for today and yesterday. The Mighty Boosh Halloween Special fanart. When I started this I wanted to make it look like it would have looked in the show. I realized rather quickly that I would definitely fail at that. Which promptly happened. Nontheless I will post it to the comm tomorrow when I finally manage to write up some more proper comments.
How could livejournal do that to me anyway? Last night I had finally achieved a state of mind where I thought I could tackle that task, and then livejournal just shuts down without a word :((( I was all alone and sad all night.

The Mighty Boosh. G.
Credit for any and all original ideas in this goes to the writers of the story so far at booshslashhaven.
Other than that, poetic license, guys, poetic license on this as on anything I do/say.

fanart, the mighty boosh, fairytales, drawing, tv, graphics, fandom, movie

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