Things I don't need in my life #574

Jul 07, 2011 12:39

Sweden vs the US was a fun and exciting game yesterday!
At least one of the directly broadcasted matches always proves to be awesome. This pleases me :)

Not enough to ignore the foul taste that I get from the other game though.

There are teams you like and respect more and more every time you watch them play. And there are teams you loathe more and more every time you watch them play.

How can you complain about your country not supporting womens football nearly enough when you can't be bothered to show some of the really great football that everyone claims you're capable of? Why don't you even attempt to prove that you're worth to be supported? All those other teams do, even those that know chances that something comes out of it are small. They fight and focus nontheless.

Frankly Brazil, I'm tired of your attitude, your fouls and your half-assed display. Those flickers of brilliance really don't cut it anymore.
I don't care for people that live through their image alone.

football, be decent

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