Graphic: SpellingBook - 'Side by Side'

Jun 30, 2011 21:47

So! After that huge disappointment yesterday A.K.A. Brazil, today we were graced with technically absolutely gorgeous play from France! Good God, that was beautiful football.
So far, judging from every game, because no, I have nothing else to do but watch them, they're the best team in the tournament. I'd like to see them play against the U.S. I think their styles would look lovely on the same pitch.

EdiT: Germany's playing awful right now. But at the same time... well, here we have the first bad referee... And Nigeria is brutal.

And now to the graphic. This is an entry for the Spelling Book challenge at maridichallenge . el_defe  was so nice to let me know of it and explain what it was all about (as you will notice it's an Italian comm; in case you speak it, you may want to have a closer look :) As for me, I just did what I was told to do, because that's how I roll. yo.

First, there is the Spelling Book; 26 prompts of which each starts with one letter of the alphabet. (Click for the bigger picture.)
And below it you'll find the 26 individual banners that I have placed on the Spelling graphic.

Also, everything beneath this cut is Cristyne (Cristiano/Wayne) - centric.
I wanted to use a pairing that is on the one hand safe and warm and good, and on the other hand emotionally challenging for me, and most of all something of which I knew that it will show me why I love football slash.
Yeah... OK, that sounded much too 'deep' and serious considering we're talking a couple of blends here... x)

cristyne, slash, football, graphics, challenge

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