In the stillness of night

Jan 10, 2010 16:28

Last night I have found myself in a state of 'intellectual incapacity'. A feeling as if someone had stuck the noozle of a vacuum cleaner in my ear and sucked out my brains. I doubt it has past. (PS.: wich is also the reason for lack of a commentary on your writing, I'm afraid, which was partly responsible for this state).

So I took the dog and my cigarettes and went to the woods.

It was fun actually. Luke was enjoying himself running and jumping through the snow, like Pepe the amourous skunk. Me doing very much the same.

I lay down in the snow and looked at the sky.

Some time later Luke had finally stopped whining and barking at me from every angle and realized nothing was wrong.

It was... wow.
Not remotely as dark as usually, with the snow and the heavy clouds spreading every bit of light that fell on them.

Everything got completely still. I just lay there and breathed.

Until I could hear the tiny sounds of the left-over leaves on the branches being moved by the faint wind.

It was exhilarating. It was different from how I had imagined it.

Only later did it occur to me that this would have been a most interesting situation to do something else. I shall try that one of these days x)))

... but then rather without those young late night strollers, who had obviously seen me getting up from the distance and came my way asking if I was alright.

Maybe though, this event was even another reason why this walk had been so exhilarating... indeed, something moved them strongly enough to approach some unknown person at night in the dark.
This is why I don't believe in certain things no matter how much sense they may make in the great scheme of things to others.

1000 things to do before you die, late night talk

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