
Aug 11, 2008 13:46


Work ended and I headed over to Anime Pavilion for Magic - I was shortly joined by lori_dc, Tony, And Amber

Tony and Amber had dropped by to have me reload an E-machine.

So - midway through round two - I get a call from icculushfb telling me that he might need a hand in sunny Manassass so I drop the tournament and start to head out there with everyone in tow - leaving my bike at the shop

before I got halfway out there everything cleared it's self up - so from there I headed back to my place to reload the E-machine while attempting to show Tony the GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME but my dvd player was not cooperating (note to self - purchase PS3 to replace broke ass DVD player..)


Saturday started early (7 AM) with me heading over to help carolynn_dc with her move - she called me half way up there to inform me that U-Haul had a server outage so pragma_x could not pick up the truck he reserved - I tell her that my car is luggage declined (ie no rack) and not to worry - things will work out

I show up at her place - blew up the bathroom - chased about the cat till pragma_x arrives with the perfect mattress moving solution - TWINE!

So pragma_x, carolynn_dc and I get to work moving the boxes down to the loading dock - followed by the dresser and mattress - pragma_x ties down the mattress to his roof while I stuff the dresser in the backseat of my car - then with perfect timing and an empty trunk - tuath13 shows up - I secure the box spring to her car - we put the tv and a few bins in the back - and we are ready to go

I'm about to pull out - when a douchbag in a banged up scraper Monte Carlo nearly HITS me - mind you I had not moved and had to YELL at him to stop before he hit me......

but that was ALL the excitement from the trip over to carolynn_dc's new place - we took the back roads and went really slow because the other two cars had mattresses on top of them

We unloaded tuath13's car first - she had an appointment with verizon - but we discover that the box spring will not fit up the stairs - or in a window - but everything else made it up just fine - after that we parted ways

I headed back to Falls Church - for Bubble Tea and fud with the family - then Lorrie dropped me off at Anime Pavilion for Magic and to get my bike - I played in a draft - won the draft - then headed home on my bike

by the time I got home (7 pm or so) I was EXHAUSTED and managed to fall asleep a few minutes after getting home....


So Sunday we took in the Arlington County Fair - we headed over early to catch the indoor exhibits - I had a brick from my Grandfathers high school (W-L) sent to his house - then we ran out to get some fair fud (mmmmmmm) - then off to the carnival rides - we hit the carousel and the Ferris Wheel - the big hit was the free petting Zoo - Lora must have gone through that 4 times (TURTLE!!! TURTLE DADDY!!!) - after that we headed home and lori_dc and Lora went to bed while Leila and I retaped my handle bars


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