Aug 10, 2005 21:24
Ok so I just thought I'd update you all on my life just becuase....well, just becuase =).
The past week has been very hectic, yet very slow...I guess you can call it an oxymoron type thing goin on here...But it's been hectic becuase of the funeral and stuff anf I taking care of all my cousins for 3 days, and slow because I haven't really been up for anything fun latley...Last night was the first time I left the house in a while... All in all, last night was the first fun night in a while, and I'm very thankful for those moments that help me apprechaite what I have in my life...Idk, I'm really cheezy.
Friday = Leaving for EUROPE!!! France and Germany to be exact... It didn't really hit me that I was really going until I accutally started getting stuff for the trip and packing it all in my brand new rolly-suit case type thing. I'm SO apprehensive as to what's going to go on during the trip, let alone WORLD YOUTH DAY!!! omgomgomgogOMG it's going to be so fun! I can sence the fun already. Surreal ammounts of fun.
After this trip, it will be Aug. 22...I begin my new school year as a SENIOR on Aug. 24, which is the same day Poolie leaves to the seminary...WEIRDDDDDDDDDDD... Like weird beyond commprehendable ammounts. I'm realiziing that I'm going to expierence so many moods for the rest of this summer...For example, right now, I'm in chillin summer mood. By friday, I'll be in traveling europe mood all throughout the trip until Aug. 22. And when I return , it's a the dreaded back-to-school mood . It could possibly get overwhelming...but I'll survive ;)...
Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys their, dare I say it,
And if I didn't see you all summer, well, that sucks...for me at least...and I hope to see yall soon ;)