(no subject)

Jul 17, 2005 01:18

i miss everyone.

with that said, allow me to update you on my life :)

My new job at the Holiday EEEEEEEN is alright...It's a pretty laid back, unstressful, extremely boring job...but I defently think I can benefit from it when school starts back up, and I have hours of homework to complete and things to pay for...(Ew, I'm sorry for reminding you of the non-summer life style...) Plus it's about 5 minutes away from Alpine Valley, which is a big perk in the winter time. I don't mind it too much...I get to meet some pretty intresting people from out of town, like piolets, busniess men, and the occassional no-deoderant-wearing, gapped-tooth, hillbilly couple, all while getting paid $8.00 by the hour .

This summer in general is pretty laid back...In ways, I enjoy it...but there are just times where I feel like I'm letting moments with so much potential go to waste. When I realize this, I become contemplative, which leads to me being uncontent, which then leads me into deep search for something better...A vicious cycle, I know...But I guess fullfillment can't be attainted until I find what's best for me; Which leads me to the question I ask myself constantly...What is best for me? This is where my ever-growing concience holds significance. In todays day and age, where there is so much corruption within the moral intuition of society, it's easy to tune out our conciences and choose the path that may not be what is best for us.... It would be so nice to have neon signs pointing us in the right direction saying things like "THIS IS THE ONE YOU SHOULD PICK" or "TUST ME, THIS IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO."...ugh how annoying...but hey, thats life ...

I'd just like to take this opprotunity to ask for your prayers toward the destiny of my uncle. He's not doing too well, it accutally seems as if his last moments will come any day now. Also, I would greatly appriechate it if you could please keep in mind his 2 kids (ages 11 and 9) and wife, along with the rest of his freinds and family who deeply love and care about him while you're praying. Your prayers matter so much during times like this...really you have no idea. Many, many thanks guys.

Anywho..75 days until the System of a Down & Mars Volta concert ...it should be wonderful!

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