well today was a happy day, i got a hundred pound hunk of aluminum in the mail!!
and so now the engine is all parted out,..
i soon hope to have her in and going togeather. i plan on painting some brackets this weekend, im off sun,mon,tues. so it will be a nice time to work on her.
the other day i blew some moneys and got some much needed gaskets, headbolts, starter relay. oh shi.. i just membered i need to go pick up my other headbolts.. lol.. it was a long fucking day.. i dont blame me for not membering..
also got a 10mm ford racing plug wire set, and i have a msd blaster 3 coil on its way in the mail. that about wraps it up for the ignition.. except i plan on getting a push button start.. and i already have one of those antitheft things with the chip you have to have pluged in to start it.. so .. that will be my new key.. weeeeeee! also autozone has a black leather momo style steering wheel im gonna get.. its the hot.
past my bed time.. !!