Oh, it was hard getting started today.
I was finally able to pull myself together after 12pm.
So, I went through my shoes an hour ago. There are some shoes I am going to try to sell.
I also set out my "professional" and "dress" attire. Everything that is left in the closet I will most likely give away.
I am not packing my "casual" wear until the last week.....yeah.
A lot of handbags are hittin' the trash cuz there were cheap to being with.
I hope to make better progress tomorrow.
It will be warmer but rainy. I hope my body doesn't get all sleepy.
Oh, oh...my iPod is almost full..what am I going to do.
I need to stop being so lazy and just put on the playlist I want to listen to instead of doing all my music.
This photo sums me up right now: