Well I did it. I sent in my application for vet tech school. We will see what happens. Me being the practical person I am did a cost benefit analysis and it would not put my any further monetarily than what I was making at my last job. But I want to do it. I want to learn. I am jealous of
pgh_anarchist when she posts about courses. Heck I am jealous of my friends who are taking tests. I never thought *that* would happen! I am out of practice though, I took an online 1 hr. course/overview of hyperthyroidism in cats and only got 73% on the test. All of my other online learnings from that website are 85% and above.
I did look at a practice RVT test and I could answer a couple of the 10 questions no problem and a couple of others I was not sure about so I did educated guesses. And got half of those right. Wish me luck, if they accept me then I guess it was meant to be.