Sep 16, 2004 22:31
i can't talk, or at least i couldnt tell you this face to face so here it goes.
i can't believe your leaving. i don't think you know...maybe cuz i suck at putting my thoughts adequetly into words, how much you mean to me. i mean fuck you're the one person that i feel comfortable with when there's complete silence, when we don't have to make conversation because thats our way of communicating. we've trancended any fabricated friendship to form probably the only real thing in my life. you're a fucking part of me, a huge chuck of my personality, and my stories, and because of you i'm so much better off than i think i could ever be if you weren't there. when we got lost and you said those things to me about our friendship never being the same, i know i didn't show it, but that hurt more than u could ever imagine. i was so torn up inside because i would take on any pain just to make sure that u would never feel an ounce of what you felt that day. i really hope that i've made it up to you, that i've become as good as a friend to you as you have to me. that i've grown and adapted as many of your qualities as i could. i dont know how i'm going to do this without you, i'm just a big mess inside and being with you always made me feel that yeah, things are going to be ok. i wish you the best of luck, scratch that, i wish you the best time up there ever, i hope that every happy moment i have, you can experience a thousand times over, because you deserve it more than i think i do. i love you to death. and just know that nothing here is the same without you, that truthfully, i'm really not the same without you. i'm going to miss you soo damn much. but i'm not worried about our friendship. its there, and thats the only thing i'm a hundred percent sure will always be there.