so in the spirit of procrastionation, i did a quiz. it makes me laugh because in the span of five questions i think it is, it is surprisingly like me. even though my reading glasses are, infact, fake plastic ones. and i am reading a kerouac book right now, which makes it even more credible.
in other news, erin and i have the most fabulous april fools joke in the entire universe planned for a certain gap-loving friend of ours. it is FABULOUS AND SHE SHOULD BE HELLA SCARED!!!! yes, hella. fear me.
in other other news, tomorrow is nicoles birthday. and she has transformed herself into a very disciplined yoga goddess over the last week or so, thus i am very convinced she will have an awesome day. and her nineteenth year will be full of success. although we DO need to teach her a thing or two about girl talk and mind games, because she has it in her head that by this age boys and girls are straight with eah other and that all the silly grade school emotions have finally disapeared and we have all grown into mature people who are mature about their relationships with the opposite sex....oh, nicole...
in other other other news, i hate journalism. and cp.
but i love redbull. and coffee.
and this quiz...
so i suggest all of you take it.
You're the Tortured Intellectual!
Take What sort of Hipster are you? today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
You're sensitive, you're emotional, and you wonder why everyone else in the world exists on a different plane. You cannot eat, breathe, or sleep without analyzing each action to death. You're usually sombre, depressed, lethargic, but you can be esctatically happy from time to time. You wear whatever you can find on your cluttered bedroom floor. You carry books, notepads, reading glasses with you wherever you go. You have friends, but only a few who truly get where you're coming from. You frequent coffee shops, libraries, and the less crowded bars. You're obsessed with past people, past ideas, past lives. You wish you could die and be reborn as Jack Kerouac.