Nothing Lasts Forever

Jun 14, 2020 23:52


Around the turn of the latest century, I was in my mid-20s.  I wasn’t making great money, but it spent like plenty, for living as a single person with not so much in the way of family obligations or financial responsibilities (funny how that works).  In many respects, I had more disposal income then than I do now, even while pulling in ( Read more... )

micklore, rockstar, kms, 4k, liam, lj idol, non-fiction, lji11

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karmasoup June 18 2020, 20:40:01 UTC
Thanks very much for your kind words. <3

The thing I'm really enjoying about being his Mama is that so far, it just keeps getting better. Don't get me wrong, I do look at babies at younger stages, and think, "how adorable," but I don't miss that era of his life, because each new one is so much more fun. I know that will eventually mellow out, and then things will become more challenging, and maybe even difficult, by the time we hit adolescence, and I'm not saying it's all been butterflies and rainbows so far ( hello, night terrors and trying to reset a vampire sleep schedule! :-/ ), but so far I feel incredibly blessed that he's basically a happy, sweet, fun kid. (I know you all about that! ;-)

But he is very good at keeping himself occupied... I relish just sitting back and watching his brain works. He actually creates scenes in his head he acts out with his toys... he creates conflict between them, and gives them dialogue, and even sings to them, shares secrets, and sometimes scolds them. (He annoyingly very often tries to "feed" them, too, and we're constantly having to explain that "engines don't need any yogurt," or "sharks don't eat cookies! ;-)

So far he's never been the kind of distraction I have resented, so I'm very grateful for that! And, looking forward to each new stage... it's always fun to see your updates on KFP, as though we can't give the advantages that come from MIT, I am still hoping he continues to choose to fill his attention with the kinds of pursuits that challenge him, and expand his horizons, as KFP does every day... that, on top of being so demonstrative and expressive... he's really such a well rounded kid, and you should be a very proud geek Mom!



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