Tugann an Sráidbhaile an Leanbh Suas

Feb 19, 2020 23:47

Moving Day

The last time our family moved, it was with a 4-month old baby in tow, and much more suddenly than we’d have intended or preferred.  Minion and I had been living in a rental we initially shared together to cut expenses and get more bang for our buck - because an 1800 sqft. single family home with an attached garage and a nice big yard ( Read more... )

family, minion, firebird, misfit manor, kms, lj idol, lji11, 1k

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Comments 18

adoptedwriter February 20 2020, 12:39:51 UTC
Moving is a rough job. The 911 people will have to wheel us out of here before we ever move again.


karmasoup February 22 2020, 02:40:08 UTC
I'm sure my husband feels the same way about our next place. He's already said this next house better be our dream home, because even if it isn't, it is, because we ain't moving again!


m_malcontent February 20 2020, 17:24:03 UTC
45 moves?!? I would have been religated to the crazy bin a long time ago.

Was great to see all those people pitch in for ya'll...it is one of the good things about churches.


karmasoup February 22 2020, 02:46:40 UTC
I'm guess I probably should have been relegated to the loony bin at some point during all of that. Churches are great for pitching in when you've got a connection to them, but hopefully we won't have to call in that favor anymore, as we no longer have any active association with any religious organizations.


beeker121 February 21 2020, 01:57:39 UTC
For several years post college my entire life could and did fit into my car and a 5' x 8' U-Haul trailer. Now that I've been in one place for a while packing up again seems impossible, after four years that would have been tough. I'm glad your community was able to pull together and get it done.


karmasoup February 22 2020, 02:44:30 UTC
Even if you've grown roots in a place, leaving doesn't have to be so tough, as long as are organized and can plan well. Unfortunately, that's not the situation we were in, but yes, having folks effectively come to our rescue made up all the difference.


banana_galaxy February 22 2020, 01:18:00 UTC
Wow, this sounded like quite the ordeal! I've had to move twice on pretty short notice, and they were international moves. But we were fortunate enough to be able to pay for movers to get everything packed up (first time, we paid for ourselves, second time, the organisation who offered my husband a job paid those expenses).


karmasoup February 22 2020, 02:42:50 UTC
Being able to pay for movers would be a great boon. I'm hoping we might be in that position next time, but if not, we'll probably make sure we have plenty of time to get ourselves organized properly so it's not so frantic. And the "baby" is now a toddler, so it's easier to find someone to watch him if we need to.


halfshellvenus February 22 2020, 22:26:06 UTC
Oh, what a terrible ordeal, and such awful timing.

But I'm truly in awe of the people who pitched in among your friends, family, and your parents' church. What an amazing thing they did in helping you with such an overwhelming and seemingly impossible task!


karmasoup February 24 2020, 16:33:57 UTC
They were amazing... they really made light work of what could have been a terrible ordeal, but really just ended up being the quickest way to get on to the next stage in our lives at that point. It took as maybe a little longer to get settled in than it might otherwise would have (and we still don't feel "at home" in this place that isn't us), but all things considered, it could have gone a lot worse, and we can only be awed and grateful for having our barn raised for us.


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