Nov 15, 2005 22:31
im being stupid and going on my computer when what i really need to be doing is studying for quizzes but thats ok, ill make it short.
i had a strange morning so i figured i'd share will you all...
so this morning i wake up to a buzzing noise (which happens to be my mom calling, silly mom of course i was sleeping) i didnt pick up but noted that i had 10 more mins to sleep so i went back to bed. then at 9:15 (i got to sleep in this morning!!!! 8 am was canceled) the alarm starts buzzing way to loud. so as usual i jumped up to turn it off only to return to my warm comfy bed once again. i always go back to sleep for at least 10 mins and this morning i thought danyell had class the same time as me so i figured i'd wake up pretty soon when her alarm went off....this is a pretty basic routine. but i must have been pretty asleep before b/c right away i start dreaming again. it was a weird dream and i was dating some random kid (not the weird part) but i remember i was stressed out and telling him the story about how when i went back to bed expecting to wake up by my roomate she actually didnt have class and i slept right through my class. so i was explaining how i was all confused b/c i really thought she had class and since she didnt my schedule was off track and i was mad at myself for sleeping through class and all that. so at some point during this dream (which felt real to the point that i didnt even realize i was sleeping) i decide to wake up and look at the clock only too see it was 10!! my class starts at 9:50 so i quickly realized that exactly what i had just dreamed about was now happening in real life! and the fact that i was dreaming about it happening is what lead to it happening in the first insane is that?
so, needless to say i woke up very confused. i wasnt sure at first if i were still dreaming since it seemed to weird to live the same experience twice in a row. so i think i swore a bit and then was like DANYELL!! dont you have class??? here she is thinking "why are you waking me up..." and informed me that she didnt. i must have seemed so out of it, i think i was like "what do i do?!" b/c i had no idea what to make of the situation, and she was like-go to class karina....
hahaha looking back its pretty funny. so i threw my contacts into my eyes, changed my pants and ran to class. halfway there i noticed i brought my nursing notebook not englisha nd stopped and almost considered turning back. but then i realized that was stupid and went. all we did was discusss some readings so its good that i went but it really was a crazy thing. i dreamed, and then woke up and my dream was happening in real life. how crazy. but the bad side was i realized i wasnt wearing a bra and had to keep my jacket on all class...strange times.
thats what tuesdays are for i guess!!
I feel like that has been one of my most pointless entries so far, im kind of proud. hope everybody is getting excited for vacation (1 week) = pecan pie!
resuming my studies...