Oct 26, 2005 21:48
so since i am amisha's bitch im going to take this, only to spite her!
but its true, i wasnt planning on doing hw, i am going to the gym tho....
Two names you go by:
1. karmar
2. kmart
Two parts of your heritage:
1. french-canadian
2. german
(its funny b/c thats 3...)
Two things that scare you:
1. always being alone
2. losing touch with friends
Two of your everyday essentials:
1. breakfast
2. computer
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. my jeanss
2. old navy shirt, claro
Two of your favorite bands/musical artist (at the moment)
1. the postal service
2. kanye west 8-)
Two of your favorite songs (at the moment)
1. nothing better
2. soul meets body
Two things you want in a relationship (other than real love)
1. fun
2. lots of sex, heh heh just kidding.... a shoulder to sleep on
Two truths:
1. i'm actually growing up, soon i will be a nurse
2. i want to travel and live everywhere
Two things you are attracted to (physically)
1. men
2. foriegn accents
Two of your favorite hobbies:
1. ipoding it
2. reading
Two things you want really badly:
1. to not gain the freshman 15
2. warm weather
Two places you want to go on vacation:
1. paris
2. carribbean
Two things you want to do before you die:
1. do all the things i say i will
2. have a kid
Two ways that you are stereotypically a chick:
1. everything makes me cry
2. i tend to obsess over nothing and build things up in my head
Two things you wouldn't normally admit:
1. im still only 17
2. i can get really anxious
Two things you are thinking about right now:
1. the face that my roomate left with the door open and the hall can hear what bad music i am playing, and that i just realized this to be true
2. this survey makes me think about myself too much and i dont think anybody cares about what im saying
Two stores you shop at:
1. old navy
2. american eagle
Two people I want to see take this quiz
1. you
2. your mom