Oct 05, 2005 21:26
alright so i decided that sometimes you can't trust your moods b/c they can be SO easily influenced and sometimes what you think might not be true. maybe im just extra impressionable (i really am, its bad) but sometimes i get into random moods and am convienced ill feel like that forever but then a little later i get back to normal and im like "what the heck was i thinking?" this came up because for reasons unknown watching one tree hill made me depressed. i think its a sign i shouldnt watch drama tv. im one of those people that like absorbs other people's emotions. somebody could rant to me about something and walk away feeling compeltely better about getting it out and suddenly ill be angry at everything. or cynical, or depressed. whatever it may be. its good to be aware of this b/c at times when i really need to be in a good mood ive learned to distance myself from ppl who are doing that.
so to continue i was feeling all crappy, do you ever remember stuff from the past that was bad? like some time when something bad happened and you are completely past up but for some reason you are reminded of it, cough tv shows ha, and get all upset about it again? and you think, why am i doing this its not even an issue?! its frustrating b/c you know its stupid but what can you do? so that was me 5 mins ago and i was going to come on and rant in my private journal as i tend to do from time to time but i was like hm maybe ill check my friends and i saw laura had this rediculous ashlee simpson quiz that was like "do you have a boyfriend? do you shop?" and from that told you what song you were, haha it was very ashlee-is (which is why i love her) and i made me remember our insane A.S. times and how laura and i -and probably most people- listen to the most random music ever, our mix cds are crazy eclectic, and it brought me back to the present and made me feel all better again! ha there i proved my point b/c if a wb show can easily make me sad then an ashlee simpson quiz can just as easily make me happy! YES, i love the way my emotions work hahah
so right im still putting of my hw but im kind of starting it early so im proud of myself. i cant believe how fast this week has been, weds is basically the end of the week for me b/c i have one class manana and 2 bright and early friday but it just flies. oh right its columbus day, i get to see people :) annnd i realized that i like interpol a lot
ok enough talking about myself for tonight, on to discuss "utopia achieved"....