Aug 15, 2005 12:48
i was all set to write this last night when i was sooo excited about everything but now im mellow and a little sleepy so it might not come off the same way
but anyway i defiently got into a backstreet boys concert FOR FREE and ended up in indoor seating where $75 ticket seating is! we were so close and it was actually a really good concert and ims till amazed at how we pulled it off. i was in hull this weekend at rooster's house which is about a block from the beach and amazing, anyway so there we are eating our tortellini and rose was talking about how she was going to go to the concert with some friends but it was a thunderstorm so they all decided not to go. but then the rain cleared and she was sad that she wasnt going so we tried to have a make shift concert with her ipod but it wasnt quite the same. seeing as i was a huge fan of the BSB circa 6th grade i offered to go if she needed somebody, i didnt actually think rose would go but then at 6:30 (the concert was at 7:30) rose said "Yes lets go!!" lexie, my hero, packed us a bag of everything we would need and we were on our way in the cruiser to the tweeta center. it was so amazingly spontaneous and we map quested our way there! meanwhile i had to listen to the cd in the car b/c i didnt know any of their new we finally got there thru the random rain just in time to see click 5 playing...i forgot to mention that our tickets were free!!! b/c they gave away free tickets with any paid ones (thanks to rose's sister) which made it all the better. it was then that i remembered lauren buckley and her undying love of the backstreet boys and how she was there and was looking forward to it all summer which is cute and i decided to go an hour before haha. so i called her and she was like "ok come meet me i have tickets for you" and that is how rose and i ended up with indoor central seating quite close ! (and out of the freak thunderstorms that soon followed) it was one of the most spontaneous thing si have done and i must say we were quite lucky the whole night! i was a great concert and i forgot about bands doing the syncronized dancing which was cute and brought me back to middle school times. good times minus the hour long wait in the parking lot after and the ride back to hull.... we drove around quincy for a looong time and finally arrived at the ohare household at 1:30 after a bit of driving in circles and flipping out.....nsync calmed us down ironically!
*phew* thats the story, it was qutie crazy. im sorry i couldnt keep the drama in hull for the last night amisha but it wouldnt have been the same. our first night there was the most insane night ever! haha all the drama and crazyness and when you don't sleep for a long time you being to feel drunk- the cat caused it all ahhh "karina why aren't you wearing a shirt?!" oh jeez
there were so many thunderstorms this weekend and the power kept going out it was insane. anne managed to get free tickets when the generator came on in some arcade which made me proud! i just realized that we never used them!! anne we have to...150! to conclude hull was much fun and i wish it would stop raining so it could feel like summer again! i had so many iced lattes, its amazing
i need a nap
ps thanks rose!!! :)