Feb 06, 2012 23:12
The Toned In '12 Challenge ends on Valentine's Day, but I think I can safely assume that it's pretty much been an epic failure. I mean, they released a new workout on February 1st, and I have yet to do it once. Their suggestion was that we do it 6 times before Valentine's Day, including doing it twice through on the 7th and 14th. Yeah.
I'm not giving up though. I'll go into more detail when I'm more awake, but this isn't one of those "oops, another failed resolution" type thing. I want to keep going. I want to be healthy. Not that I'm obscenely obese, but I could be better. That's always an option in life. Better.
The first step to a healthy life? Sleep. Goodnight.
(See, this is why I don't like writing at night. Either I'm way too depressed or everything is so short and doesn't really say anything.)
tone it up