Oct 30, 2004 09:41
If you haven't noticed yet, or are reading this through a friend's page, my Live Journal has gotten very bright, why? Because it can be.....you bastard.
Anywho, October 29 went down like this...
I was all ready to head over to Eric's around 6ish for the usual poker game and what not, when I got a call from the incomparable, Earz.
"Wanna go up to TGIFridays for Leah's birthday?"
Ah yes, and another random with Leah comes into play...
Obviously I couldn't turn down a chance to see my Evergreen Park homies, and the mozzarella sticks only sweetened the deal, so I dropped everything and headed out.
Friday's was quite cool. We had a quaint little table for the 5 of us (Leah, Caroline, Melanie, Earz, and myself)right nextt to some pre-pubescent connoisseurs.
Once we were done eating and stealing the silverware, the next leg of our journey began, walking aimlessly around EP.
All went well, I mean if you scratch out a few instances like....
-A black man driving up to us in a van, stopping, opening up the door, then giving us the peace sign while wearing a ridiculous halloween mask.
-A huge rumble that we nearly got caught in between some Soc's and a few greasers.
-I met crazy Kim for the first time...it was crazy.
EP goes insane when I arrive I guess.
Reminding you that down is the new up,