Dec 11, 2005 15:58

"Happy Birthday Alex Choi!!"

Last night was a lot of fun. Headed over to Unit 3, Norton Hall, to fetch Alex with Peter and then to Unit 1, Deutch hall, to get the others and headed over to Blake's to catch our reservation at 8. Had a nice meal, especiall with the rum pudding for alex, and headed outside. Whilst outside we noticed the resemblance of Blake's to the Cobalt from back home. All the scenester high school kids, hanging out having "stoges" and looking "really cool". It was actually quite funny because while away from home you make so many resemblances to home like, the people you meet and the places you go. While the boys were smoking their cigars and talking lots about the country club this and the country club that, we encountered a very interesting bum whom of which shall now be known as the antiwar bum from scotland and a new orleans jailbreaker in search of some new jailbait.

And with that, I'll leave you with this--

Things to do once your 18: Buy a Lotto ticket, a cigar, a porno magazine, get credit cards, have a permanent driving record, vote, enlist yourself to the army, die for the country, but as long as this country stands you CANNOT BUY ALCOHOL.

Another reason to hate America besides medicare. 11th grade history, the nascent stages of hate for your own nation.
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