GO SUE!!!! (:

Mar 28, 2008 12:44

i guess i know what you TP design interns really hated most about your internships: doing the dirty job!

the new intern who's from TP design is really cute but my boss keeps asking me to pass her all the administrative stuff- which i'm more than happy to do because i hate doing administration and can't organise to save my life. heh. at least she does it fast! not like me, daydreaming while slotting letters into envelopes, and being slow all over again.

on Wednesday i told Shalu about my personal online flamer (muax muax) and she was like, "the thing about being disliked by people is: if no one dislikes you, it means you have no character." i rather have character anytime. go lulu! <3

unexpectedly, today is Pay Day (HOORAH!) and it means i can get my hair done next week. still tempted to get dreads but might just try braids first in Phuket. wanted to get the sleeve tattoo done this month but i think most of the moolah will be going into the trip- damn!

argh i can't seem to get no inspiration to write about Mao Ze Dong. such an interesting character yet so difficult to write interestingly about him. bah! ohwells thus the life of a magazine writer. ahahahaha.
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