birthday wishes

Sep 02, 2010 19:06

My birthday is in five weeks which means it's time for my annual wish lists. Here we go

The Anything's Possible List:
1. A trip to Boston to see American Rep Theater's production of Cabaret with a VIP pass
2. A car
3. A job that pays my bills without killing my soul
4. A new laptop with word processing, spreadsheet, and some kind of program like adobe already fully installed on it
5. new mattress and box spring for my queen sized bed
6. Lyra classes paid for a year
7. A trip to NOLA, Seattle or nyc
8. A lyra of my own and somewhere to hang it
9. A sewing machine
10. A new couch (preferably purple and deep for cuddling)

The Practical List of Wishes:
1. Books!
2. Music (if you can load it on my phone even better)
3. decorations for my home. Either paint for the walls or art made by you
4. flowers
5. Supplies to make things (I paint, knit, and sew if I had a sewing machine)
6. Movies or a trip to the movies
7. clothes (or gift certificates/money for clothes)
8. Reupholstering my current couch (I have fabric not the skill)
9. A new pork pie hat (or some other hat that screamed my name)
10. Your company on Oct 6th

That was actually really difficult to put together. There's a lot that I'm grateful for this year and I really just want to enjoy those things .
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