So I go to the mall today to shop for interview clothes. Fashion Square Fail. Limited luckily was having a 40% 1 item sale so I took advantage and bought a pair of slacks. I really wanted to be done with it and buy one of the $45 blouses they picked out for me but just couldn't bring myself to spending that much money. So, I went to Ross and Platos Closet. No luck. Then on my way home I realized I can just go back with Jake and buy a shirt for 40% off! We go back and I decide to get another pair of slacks separately to take advantage of the deal. I even told the cashier what I was doing. She said it's 40% off every 1 item. I was like whoa so my entire order is 40% off!!?? She said no just 40% off each item I think. Jacob and I look at each other and I run to gather up everything I tried on. She gets the other girl working and they take 40% off each item. Fancy that! I got three $45 blouses and two pairs of $60 slacks "each" for 40% off. What a pair of Mongoloids!
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