(no subject)

Oct 16, 2002 00:05

soo i been checkin other peoples journals out and all i can say it jealous much yes i am!!!!
got rang uptoday for a job interview at a local food store on friday - mucho fun!!!
will be working lates, so more pay which is fine in more book, simply means i can buy more clothes and alcofrolics!!!
so to anyone who may be reading i hope ure well, im up at night watching mtv2 or some shiz and crawling is on which is pretty tame for this time at night but hey!!!

my mom is the most annyoing person inthe world today, sometime i wish god made a mute button for each person so that when they span off at u u could just press the mute buttonand be all like hahahah no noise.

note to self - must work on that invention muchos spondoolikcs could be earnt.

any way thats it

peace out

t to the ez
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