May 15, 2008 06:18
Im pretty excited about the new Weezer cd coming out soon. Anytime they come out with a color self titled disc its always good. Always. "Make Believe" was aiiiight, it had some semi-high points but it wasnt Weezer how I like it. I mean as musicians and artist you want to try different things and you grow up yada yada, but if it aint broke dont fix know what im sayin. Well that all I wanted to say. Im at work right now, i will be at work for the next err 5 days. Today and tomorrow 1a-9a, sat 7a-1p sun 5a-1p, mon 1a-9a, hooray. Sad face for no 80s night for a while i think hopefully a more set schedule could be made so i can at least have thursday nights off ok im done.