[ DREAM ] oo1

Oct 15, 2009 16:54

"Sometimes, it feels like we're so close..." the young woman sighed, wiping a hand across her forehead. "But then it just seems to evolve beyond what we already know. Sometimes I -- " before she could say anything more, a pair of arms came from behind, pulling her in to a tight embrace.

She knew this feeling. The sensation of being in his arms. Leaning back into the hug, her body relaxed.

"But you know, spending twelve hours down here in the lab -- you're going to wear yourself out, angel."

She shook her head, "The sick can't rest... So neither should I. If we don't save them, David -- who will?"

And then there was silence.


The white surroundings darkened, sirens were sounding in the distance.


The lab was gone, replaced with the hazy smoke and rubble. This was an all too familiar scene.

"...la... la la la... la... la ..."


[ Jenna wakes up with a jolt. 'Ding' goes the Dreamberry, indicating that the feed has been successfully stored. Reaching for the device quickly, she examines it, quickly scowling, noting that the automatic filter she had placed failed. ]

[ she's muttering ] Useless...

@ dream, filter failure, don't leave me david!!, annnnnnnd iiiiiii will always love youuu

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