i knew a moman whos nails alwasy matched her lip stick and said the word nigger

Nov 22, 2006 01:16

i just had some one dye that was very close to when i was little. i dont feel anything really for her. i came to my closer along time ago about her death. cancer every one should get some. any way my dad used to live with her. she was my dads bestfriends mother and my cousent grandmom( my dads best friend married my aunt my motheres sister and they had a kid) yeah well my dad got kicked out of her house cause he beat the shit ou of her nephew ( by marrage) and im not to sure why but thats what happened. so now my cousent( the ladies who died grandson) who is over in iraq proble wont be able to see his grandmothers funeral. my dad wont be able to go to her funeral most likely. and me and my sister might be able to go. not sure if i want to but i know that the woman who died ment alot to me and i respected the hell out of her because of her fearlessness to say and do what ever the fuck she wanted. i may not have agreed with what she stould for but hey shit happenes.

shes dead

its sad
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