I was trying my best at not spamming here with my dollies, but, so happened, I cant. No, I can, but trying to not post about dolls here, I dont post here at all x_x and that's no good, because I love LJ :(
So, uh. There's gonna be a lot about dolls since now :( I hope I wont bother you too much ~>_<~
and I am in great mood now, because tommorow I have no study => I have time to go to post and send out all the things I planned for sunday (stuff for my friend, birthday gift to my other friend and Miho's head to cifr, for her to make his new faceup :D) AND yesterday I burned all Friends seasons on DVD's, so I got free ~30Gb on my HD to download Arashi shows I missed AND I am watching Shukudai-kuns *____* Watched 2 episodes yesterday, and I have 8 episodes to watch now AHAHAHAHAHA