Aaaand I’m back…

Jun 12, 2007 11:20

Well OK - so I didn’t update. But I wasn’t sitting in front of a computer for any significant period. I was a professional lazy person - it would have broken my record of unaccomplishment to have provided any kind of helpful report.

But I accidentally got a job. I didn’t really mean to. I sent out one resume, got an interview and started work a week later (yesterday). It was fluke. A former Sprint-er saw me at the Minority Supplier Expo I help coordinate on May 17th and he told me that the company he’s now with was desperate for an IT buyer and asked me to send him my info. That was the beginning of the end of my sweet life of leisure. I’m working for KCPL in a tall building downtown (12th and Walnut). I'm going to join or start a "green" energy movement from within - mums the word.

Here some notables: Parking is $5.25 a day (I get to expense it but sheesh). There's a lot of abandoned random items and papers around. Everything is just older - the kitchen, the bathrooms. But it's not too bad. There is a TV in the break room area that has ads for houses and boats or wanted items running on it - I think it's internal ads from employees. Kinda weird. Everybody says it's busy here, but it's quiet as a tomb. The best part is that I have a pretty nice window view from my cube on the 15th floor. Their standard working hours are 7:30 to 4:00. Though I'm not really a morning person - I think it'll work out. If I have my lunch and clothes ready - then I have to leave the house by 7:15 to get here on time - I usually am awakened anyway by Penny's day anyway. I do like leaving early (of course).

In other news.

We have a kitten - I caved. She's dark grey all over. Carrie and I call her Pepper, Penny wants to call her Polly Pepper - so we said that's her full name, but she'll probably go by her nickname. She was kind of shy at first, but she's warming up fast. She has claimed three spots for her sleeping/rest areas - on chairs in the dining and living rooms, and most recently with Carrie at night (who swears she's not spoiling her). She's really cute and pretty entertaining. She likes to climb, but we have her almost trained to stay off the couches and coffee table - squirting her with a water bottle. We’ll see if she pulls her weight, so far she’s only managed to keep us safe from a mass of wadded up packing paper piled in the living room floor and start eating the free bag of cat food that came with her which no one else wanted - so I guess that's some measure of help to the household.
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