My boobs are fine

Feb 22, 2007 13:52

But then you knew that already.

Went for my surgical follow up and found that the biopsy was clear - it's just fatty necrosis or something with a disgusting name like that - I guess it's fairly common follwing radiation. So my Surgeon graduated me and I'll only see my oncologist from here on out.

It's a big relief - and a good thing cause I stay pretty calm in crisis/stress - except for the part where I eat lots of really unhealthy foods. So now I can step away from the fried chicken. (Don't judge).

My scheme to get laid off is going fairly well. I probably won't know of it's success for 3 weeks - but I'm feeling pretty confident. Several co-workers have their fingers crossed for me. :)

I'm glad Spring is starting to set in. I'm tempted to lay in the front yard for a while just to get a fresh air fix.

Composting with the worms is going relatively well - it's harder than I imagined (or at least there is more to get a feel for) the balance of enough food and the right humidity level. I only check every few days and base my sucess on the number of escapees there are in the lower bin. Worms vote with their feet.

Next project/s: Terrariums. I have a number of jars that I've been saving for this purpose. But I'm still in a research phase.

I also really want to do a rain garden - and/or a rain barrel. Interesting ecological stuff. Now all I need is free time and money - which is where getting laid off comes in handy.

And now for an impromptu discussion:

How much cleavage is acceptable in the workplace? Depends on the workplace? Depends on the boob size? A little crack okay? As long as there is no nipple? Okay with a transparent undershirt? Really - who decides and where is the line to be drawn?
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