(no subject)

Feb 27, 2005 15:15

I was born a unicorn
I missed the ark but I could've sworn you'd wait for me

I was born a unicorn
I could of sworn you believed in me.
Then how come all the other Unicorns are dead?

Put your crystal's under my pillow
Send your epistle to my bedfellows

If I stop believing in you
If you stop believing in me
If I stop believing in you
If you stop believing in me

We're the Unicorns,
We're more than horses,
We're the unicorns,
And we're people too!

Awwww i love that song, it makes me so happy!! 
This weekend was really good, Gino came over friday and we watched Bill and Ted and rehersed my lines. 
On Saturday my dad took me to The Spaghetti Factory for lunch then he took me to music millenium and he bought a cd.  Then i went to play reheresal, and that was fun. And then i went shopping and i got these really really cool shoes and a shirt. 
When i got home i talked to kelsey on the phone for like 6 hours or something, well until almost 5 in the morning, and it made me sooooo happy!!
I love her so much!!
Now today i haven't done much just sat around and relaxed, i think im going to organize my room though.
At 5:30 Jordan is supposed to come over. Oh yes, and the Academy Awards are on tonight!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!

oh yeah, i'm also going to post some pictures that kels took when she was here, but somehow they were mysteriously lost until now.
Well enjoy!

Kelsey's my best friend in the whole entire universe and i love her so much!

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