May 19, 2005 21:58
I can't Believe I'm writing for the second day in a row. Jesus Christ i guess that's what happens When you get struck with "game over"s in two seperate games. And yes they were RPGs and Yes i'm a nerd.
The Trig field trip was pretty fun. It was sunny for a while and then, like all things, it turned sour, or Beautiful if you happen to be me. But our group was soaked to the bone. oh well. One kid was hardcore enough to go into the waterfront fountain. kudos to him. I like Portland... alot. I wish I could be there more. It's the best rainy town. Seattle is supposed to be number one but i've been there and it's just depressing in the rain. So it goes.
I despise typing. I feel that my fingers operate at a far slower speed than my thoughts. I guess that's true with most. Except of course most of the Sandy high Newspaper staff. ZING! Cynicism has always been my forte`. FORTISSIMMO. pianissimo. Whatever.
Does anybody know where a body could get away? Does anybody know a way?
I must buy a talking Heads CD. if any one has one you would do well to tell me so i could possibly burn it.
i hung iout with Alex Cox today, I'm glad he's replacing me. At first when i didn't know him i was skeptical to his cause. But he checks out and has the afghan seal of approval. Interestingly enough the first 4 letters of afghan are in a row on the keyboard. Coincidence? or government conspiracy? i choose the latter. I'd choose the ladder if it were an adequate escape route...
Am i a samoan or am i an afghan... That's what i'll have to find out.