Compassionate Atheist

Jan 09, 2007 14:45

I shouldn't have to put the word compassionate in front of atheist to say that I care about other people's faith.

I started out being a pretty devoted Baptist for 16 years of my life, which faded into agnostic, which ended up with me being decidedly atheist. (just so you know my background)
I'd like to think that there's some atheists out there who don't go around trying to convert others to it by convincing them of the logical reasoning and scientific fact, you know? Just to say that atheists who go around doing that are no better than the evangelistic Christians who force their religion on others. I believe that the Bible, along with other religions, were created to give moral guidance and order to society by answering the tough life questions, giving meaning to life, etc. So, religion isn't a horrible thing. It gives people hope, answers their questions. I just personally don't believe in it.
I just *hate* atheists who go around to Christians, etc. tearing their religion down in front of them. Most of the time, neither side will back down, and will refuse to listen to the other. No one will thank you for destroying their faith, for removing that warmth and comfort from their lives. It's not how it works. Atheism, if found, should be done through existentialism methods to where you know deep down in your heart that you can't believe something like religion, that philosophy rings more true to yourself than anything else that any religious doctrine could hold. Honestly, the period when I lost faith was probably the most disheartening times of my life, besides the two years of depression. Nothing was majorly wrong in my life at the time, but I found that no matter how hard I tried to hold onto it, my faith was gone. My logic led me to believe there was no God. For the longest time I kept trying to find it again, but I've come to the point where I would be fooling myself to say there's a higher being, and I'm happier being true to how I feel.

This entry started when I was looking at a Facebook group for atheists and agnostics. Their discussion boards infuriate me, because it makes atheists no better than the religious fanatics that they try to tear down. You aren't saving humanity by doing that. You're giving atheists the stereotype of an angry, bitter, arrogant and ignorant person with no respect for other human beings. I have to try so hard to break this stereotype, that look of concern and pain on other's faces when I answer the question of what I believe in with certainty. I've been told "It's just a phase". I'm open to the idea that maybe, something will change me. I'm constantly changing. However, I know who I am right now. I love studying religion (thinking of minoring in it), and I think that it's a great thing for the millions of people that it helps get through life. I understand your religion says I'm going to hell. However, in my mind, that is not a threat to me as I'm sure with every fiber of my being that hell does not exist. I can't be convinced otherwise, I know all the tricks used to convert, I used to try and bring my friends to God too. I was already there.

This is just to let the steam out, because I'm going crazy with this topic in my head. I'll probably edit this over the weekend when I have more time to flesh it out and organize it.
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