Jun 17, 2013 23:01
So, I had an oddly coherent and ordered dream wherein the Doctor was having a fairly friendly chat with a girl that he met and rescued from a random dangerous incident involving alien badness. He asked her if she was all right afterwards, and was somewhat startled to have her dissolve into a crying mess about something that seemed to have nothing to do with the life-threatening circumstances from whence he had extracted her so, being the very kind person that he is, he took her for coffee, asked her what was wrong and tehn proceeded to begin consoling after what she reveals is a fairly dramatic and horrific breakup.
Had I recently been having any sort of relationship drama whatsoever (which I am so not and likely never will again because dating? Who needs it? Bleh.) or bore any resemblence to this girl in the slightest, it'd make some sense, but...yeah. Totally random and baffling on this end.
But, yeah, the Doctor was amazingly kind and funny in the right proportions, and was clearly a great comfort to the girl, who really, really needed a friend at that moment, so it was really a very NICE dream.
Maybe my subconcious just really wants to have a bit of a nice friendly chat with the Doctor and feels that one can't do so if the circumstances aren't somewhat dire?
Too bad. I imagine he's quite good at the random, friendly chats. And he also probably gives fantastic hugs if you're feeling just a bit lonely.
doctor who