Jan 06, 2013 18:16
So, this is an exchange that happened between me and a coworker today:
Me: Happy Twelth Night!
Coworker: Oh, yeah, it is the Epiphany, isn't it?
Me: Yep! Jesus gets his presents today!
Coworker: Still...it took the Wise Men twelve days to get there?
Me: Well, twelve days isn't too shabby for traveling on camels, although they coulda totally used some dune buggies.
Coworker: ...
Me: You're totally seeing it, aren't you? You're totally imagining the Three Wise Men riding dune buggies.
Coworker: (cracking up)Well, I am NOW.
My coworkers are so awesomely weird sometimes.
my bizzare headspace,
real life,