So, another one for the cracked-out dreams file:

Jun 25, 2012 21:19

Try My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic meets The Hunger Games.

No, I'm not actually kidding.

Post-apocalypic Equestria. Twilight Sparkle as an archery expert and stand-in for Katniss Everdeen. For some reason, Peeta was still Peeta, just in pony-form.

And a really, really crazed Pinkie Pie with lots of firearms and apparently a reject from the Road Warrior.

Seriously, NO ONE wanted to fuck with Crazy!Pinkie Pie in this dream.

I have to assume that Celestia and Luna were overthrown or something for the sake of my sanity, but definately one of the most cracked-out dreams I have had in a SERIOUSLY long time.

And apparently Twilight is a hell of an archer.

my bizzare headspace, geekery, the hunger games, mlp,, dreams, random

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