Somehow, I'm not terribly surprised:

Dec 09, 2009 19:52

DisorderYour ScoreMajor Depression:HighDysthymia:Very HighBipolar Disorder:Very SlightCyclothymia:SlightSeasonal Affective Disorder:HighPostpartum Depression:N/ATake the Depression Test

Well, except for the Seasonal Affective Disorder dealy. Fall actually is my favorite time of year. Probably because it's when I can start covering up in bulky clothes, so I don't feel like people are judging me on physical appearence all the time.

But the snowflakes on my profile? Those actually really did help me not feel like I've been completely forgotten, so thanks. I really did need that, guys.

geekery, depression, woeangst, meme, lj-drama, flist

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