Aug 05, 2008 15:31
But is anyone else at least vaugely irritated by this thing people will do when they're writing where they add extra letters to a word for emphasis and they pick the wrong letter?
It's a phenomenon I first became aware of in ReBoot fanfic where people used to go for that big, cheesy "NOOOOOOOOOO!" in thier stories, but that tended to become unintentionally hysterical when they picked the wrong name to do it to.
Try as you might? There's just no way to write the name "Bob" in the fashion without it just becoming silly because you either emulate the sound of an outboard motor or, uh...yeah.
"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB!" Dot shrieked in horror as the game cube lifted from the ruined sector. "NOOOOOOOOOO!"
So, when I'm reading someone's post where they're emphasising the word "so" and instead of chosing to spell it as the more logical "soooo", they pick "sssso", it kinda really bugs me.
Especially when they put it in thier Sam and Jack fanfic. Along with Jack going from middle-aged man to teeny-bopper in a heartbeat.
Although, then I imagine Sam's reaction to Jack effectively hissing that into her ear whilst they're whispering sweet nothings to each other in bed, along with the excessive saliva that such a sound is bound to produce, and I have to admit that I'm amused. Mildly grossed out, but amused.
"Did I ever tell you that you are, like, sssssso beautiful?" Jack murmured, snuggling Sam close. He was shocked when she yelped and bolted up and away from him, a look of complete disgust on her face.
"What the hell was THAT? A wet willy?" she snapped, yanking the blanket from him, wrapping it around her, and stalking from the room.
Jack huddled forlornly against the headboard. "What'd I say?"
Yes, I'm quite aware of the fact that I'm very anal-retentive. Really.
real life,