You know, I'm totally wanting to write fic where Jack is this horribly out-of-character psychopath who is doing Our Sam wrong (i.e. conking her on the head, tossing her in the back of his car, and hauling her off to the Deserted Warehouse O' LUV to have his evil way with her)and it's a good, noble, and improbably heroic Pete who has to step in, guns blazing, and save the day.
Just because that particular plotline being overused in fic (only, y'know, in reverse) is pissing me right the hell off.
I mean, god forbid Sam just break up with the guy because they're not working out together and he decides to go get a little drunk and then get over it, right? NO. Obviously the relationship has to end as DRAMATICALLY AND IMPROBABLY AS POSSIBLE. Complete with a plot that Days of Our Lives would throw out for being entirely too cliched and unbelievable.
Then again, given that Jack is already Teh Sexinator, he really oughtn't be surprised at being written as Sir Jack, He Who Does No Wrong And Rescues Fair Maidens Who Amazingly Don't Give Him The Right Ding About The Head That He Deserves For Butting Into Thier Lives Like That.
You know...I should just scrap it and write fic where Sam and Vala get disgusted with all the guys around them, get a van, and drive from place to place, solving mysteries and fighting crime together.
And, oh hell, we should totally throw Lizzie, Teyla, and Janet in there too.
And I would totally write that fic, but I suspect
daisycm83 will possibly kill me horribly if I don't get off my butt and
finish fic for Stitches first.
Besides which, I've already written two Pete-fics, one of which was
tongue-in-cheek and the other which was