Aug 18, 2006 10:01
So I'm tagging and stocking ink cartridges yesterday and this gentleman (and I use the word loosely) asks me if we have a Fed Ex drop box.
Yes, the emphasis is important, as you'll see later.
Me: (still merrily tagging away)No, I'm sorry, sir, we don't.
Him: Well, do you know if there are any Fed Exes around here?
Me: I'm sorry, sir. I can't think of one off the top of my head.
Him: Well, (name of store) usually has one, so I thought-
Me: No, what we have is UPS. It's over there in the-
Him: That's what I meant! (holding up UPS envelope that was previously blocked by shelf of toners)
Me: -copy center. The drop box is in the copy center, sir. (gesturing over that way)
Him: I kept asking for UPS. (stalks off without so much as a thank you)
Uh...the hell? No, you most certainly did NOT, moron!
But that's not the best bit. Oh no...the best bit is that later, he grabs a manager and proceeds, while I am standing less than ten feet away and trying to pretend that I can't hear him perfectly well, to rant about how "rude" and "unprofessional" and "unhelpful" I was and that I "couldn't answer a simple question that was repeated three times."
Yes, because calling you "sir" and keeping my tone pleasant and not being able to read that fetid thing you call a mind counts as shitty customer service, lemme tell ya.
Oh, and UPS, Fed Ex, and DHL are the EXACT SAME COMPANY.
It's one thing to make a mistake and not want to admit it, but actively LYING about it is another thing entirely.
real life,
work sucks,