Live free of Fail hard! - SPN commentary

Oct 22, 2010 22:01

Now - seasons from a previous episode about the vamps, I think its the one where Gordon turned into a Vamp.
They're playing up how different Sam is. And now we are in an emo/goth bar. Dude, Sam and Dean totally do NOT belong in that bar. That girl though, she's either gonna turn into a Vamp or die because she is one. I mean, usually when people are looking around and the camera stays on them, you know they're getting the wrong end of the deal.

Does that dude look like Edward Cullen?
Awe, how cute...she met a dude online and met him at a bar.
Kristen's hair actually reminds me a lot of Bella's from Twilight....and then we get a papercut...
That reminds me of Twilight....and this dude....Yeah, he's a Vamp. No doubts about that, do you think they made it so obvious for us to figure it out?
Here we are at another meeting. I'm beginning to think that they're quoting lines from Twilight.
"You think you know me, but you don't. I've done bad things, you should run, now...."
UGH! TWILIGHT MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, inner hater coming out...I totally didn't mean that. I can't help it if I feel like I am a better writer than ye-old-whats her face. Dude. They're so quoting Twilight. She even wants to be turned. How lame. You know what would only save this scene.....if he just kills her. Just kill her. I mean, honestly.............

See, he totally played her.
And his name is Robert! ahahahaha, get it....Robert whats his face who played Edward Cullen - and Cedric in Harry Potter.

Awe - Dean's talking to Lisa. How cute.

Sammy. disappointed with is brother being happy. How original.
He's pretty bitchy here in this first scene.
I cannot believe this dude actually just let them into the house, and without any credentials. Granted I got pretty damned......distracted.

That room is scary.
Is this what a Twilighter's room looks like? because if so, people need to get them people a brain scan because something is obviously wrong.

Sam goes straight to the computer.
Dean! I love you! I think the same thing!
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - Dean, I ask myself the same thing!
I kinda wish I had that log in screen thing without the screaming....but Dean going  "You Fail!" would be awesome.

I've been telling everyone who will listen about these pervs who'd use the vamps thing on young girls just to get them to meet them and then rape saidfictional girl and murder her. Am I paranoid...hell yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we have a blood bank robbery. Gee, who would want all that blood!? I so have no idea!!!

- - -
Commercial break

This is where I'll put extra thoughts.
So far so good and that teen girls room.....I loved the red and black, but bad writting is still bad writting.
Dude, I swear, all the people I've freinded on LJ so far are better writers than Meyers.
Okay, so just so ya'll know - just in case I haven't voiced my thoughts on it so far - I hate Twilight. I think it sucks to oblivion!

I so saw that dude a million miles away, all those squicky lines - ugh - if a guy ever say's that to me, I'm dumping his ass right there and then. *ha*

- - -

dude, missed the part of Sam talking to Grandpa. *Sigh* I suck....well, not litterally.
I saw this bar scene on line. I would just like to say that SPN's Vampyre are pretty sweet. They look scary, and even though lestat is totally hot - he's like the only book dude I love like that - we don't have that stupide, pre-teenaged Romance shit!

I also dislike Beiber, ugh, he sucks and his music make my ears bleed.
Ooooh, Sammy, watch out....something is gonna try and kill you.
He's behind the door, well, duh, and I think Sam knew the entire time and stepped in just to...slash a point?

Ugh, and another girl bites the dust.
Dean - I so love you to pieces. 'and use a condom' - that should be my new phrase.

And Dean dneies Fandom and gets thrown half way across the street. Where is Sam when you need him, I mean really? Lame, lame, he comes. But its too late. Dean is getting his ass handed to him. SAM! Why are you just standinging there?????????????????????

SAM YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, right, now you come in. We know you are up to something. Shit. with a capital S.

Commercial break

Okay - lets take a step back and think.....
SAM YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, fandom will NEVER AGAIN, be the same with this moment. Sam just fucking stoooooooooooooooooood there! Is it me or is Sam in with Grandpa and he's just playing dumb. How can he....LIE to Dean like that!!!!!!!????
He just stood there and let it happen so that he and Grandpa can get the Alpha Vampyre. We totally know from the start that something is going on and....whatever it is.....I don't think Sam loves Dean as much as he did previously - even during the fifth season - I never saw Sam as just standing around to let THAT happen to Dean.

We've come a very long way in character development, not even Dean is the same person.
Sam needs his ass kicked for doing that to Dean. I mean, seriously, he had TIME to stop it......

And we can't even blame Kripke for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I so cannot wait till this episode is done. I am just so disgusted right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*glares at Sam....raising Hammer threteningly at him*

- - -

We are in a hotel room and Dean is going through the changes of becoming a Vampyre.
Funnily enough, this is all normal fiction stuff. Hearing and eye site get better, he gets stronger and all the while you feel damned sick. Wow, Dean is so set on dying because he's turned into a Monster.
Dean picks up on Sam LIEING TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And why do they call their Grandpa by his name? He's their grandpa?????

Hahahaha - "News flash, Mr. Wizard, Vampyres pee!"
That's just awesome Dean right there. Obligatory staring at myself in the mirror moment. We always need that.
Is Dean gonna off himself?????
I never saw that one coming.
Sammmy, you perv!

Oh, no. Dean is now the perv. He's just watching her, how is that not Rape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, more damned Twilight lead ons. How lame.
If they go into mushy lame lines, I am so gagging.

Lisa is worried. Dean is being stupid.
Awe, he's so cute all squinty like that.
He made another movie reference, how sweet. Robert Patterson!!!!!!
That was the dudes name.
And this part is SPN to its core.
He has her up against a wall and now he has to walk away before he kills her.
Dude, the teeth is sweet.
And here is Ben. HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LE GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am using way to many explanation marks.
And Dean is so fucking fast.
He looks so bad ass. I love it.
And they are not going to kill him...???
Sam is just playing along. He honestly isn't on Dean's side.
Fucking ass hole.

And another journal. Sweet.
Better hand writing than their Daddy's.
And Dean can't drink blood.
Okay, so can he drink animal blood?
See, what did I tell ya'll. Vampyre senses are so much better.
And he gets a vile of Dead mans blood from Grandpa.
Okay, and now Grandpa seems to think Sammy would do WHAT WE'VE JUST SEEN HIM DO!!!!!!!
LIAR LIAR WHO LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sam, you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is that supposed to put us off track of what Grandpa and the rest of the, if there are any around, are planning to do?
Ugh. Lame. And Dean-o thinks he can just sneak in? uh-uh. It doesn't work like that. The ude who turned you knows how you smell. Wow, they're very welcoming.

Hahahaha, my siblings do that hand bomb shake thing.

And now we get to the big bad. I wonder how Dean is going to handle this.
Dean is privatly thinking "I am gonna kill you, sucker!!!"

I really should quit with the dumb explanation points. Does anyone else agree with me.

That's the girl we saw in the beginning. That's the Bella wanna be.
I just, don't know if she's a Vamp or not. I'll safely assume that she is.

THis guys looks like hes' been hopped up on weed.
Dude, this guy is fucking old.
haahahaha, Anne Rice!!!!!

I hate the guys hair. Out of all that I come out with that thought.

Dean, too soon.
He's been a Vamp for like, what, three hours? or one hour?
and we go through memories? What the hell?

Okay, but you are still in the same position as when you fell...down.
Yeah, he is so gonna die unless he can tink of a good way to get out of this.
And his fighting is sweet.
yay, kill Robert because he sucked.

Blood on the walls, awesome.

- - -
Commerical Break

Well. That time thing-y got us to the next day.
It would have been easy if Sam had been able to get inside that building, kill the Vamps and get the blood they needed to cure Dean. Sam also listened in on that little chat Grandpa had with whoever. He can so play dumb convincingly when he wants too. We've seen that so far.

Dude, that makes me fucking angry still.

- - -

Impala shot, we must have gratuitous, impala shot.
Grandpa and Sammy arrive, just in time for the blood bath.
I wrote that before the dude broke the van window, just so ya'll know.
and he's bashing them to pieces.
'So much for running it over" - hahahah. love it.

Okay, now we are back to Dean. And we are looking in all the spots that a monster could hide, we see our big b ad and cut to Dean, who, may or may not get dead. Let's hope for the previous.

Yay, old dude.
Did he relly do that dumb hand wave thing we see in the karate movies? lame.

Grandpa Sammy see the tail end of the blood bath.
Wow. That's some imagry. I rather like it.

Let's hope this works. If it doesn't we're all dead.
Flash backs are cool. Is he normal though and how is he going to explain THIS to Lisa????
Oh, he so knows about Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His eyes are so green. I never noticed how green his eyes are.

Dean isn't stupid. He totally knows and he totally not going to trust Sam as much now.
I mean - I kinda have this idea that Deans been trusting him like they have....the last time, ya know, avoiding the apoclypse and shit - but now, he knows that whatever happened to Sam means that he can't.

- - -
Commerical break
DJ HERO2. that was a facinating commerical.

Okay. so I am waiting for the ending and I am happily not disgusted with the episode.
It is well written. I love the lines, even though some of them are dumb .
I also like SPN's Vampyre. Awesome.
So, I guess if you can find the Vamp the turned you in the first place and drink their blood....only if you haven't drunk human....than you can turn back to human? cool. That's a pretty neat trick. Original too. Usually in such fiction there isn't a way to turn back. That was mostly Lestat's gig in "The Body Theif" - if anyone has read that. Lestat is human for a while, its funny shit. I love it.

So far. good episode. One of my favourites.
If only for the title. 'Live fre or Twi-Hard". awesome.

- - -

We are packing and Dean doesn't know what to say or do.
Sam is jumping to the subject and Dean doesn't want to talk about it.
Orders from the top. So, Dean's vamp wasn't actually the alpha. Weird shit.
Vampyre army, as if we haven't heard of that. Hunters don't scare Vamps...well, du-uh.
Poor Dean. He can't talk to her.

Ooooh, Dean is calling Sam out. He knows the truth though.
You can see it on his face. Sucks to be them.

In conclusion - Great episode. We have more.....sort of clues about Sam and Grandpa.
Dean can't talk to Lisa but viewing the fandom, I think most of us slash girls don't like Lisa all that much and wish she'd die. Which would suck for Ben but I'm sure he's got grandparents that can help him out. I dislike Sam at the moment. The bastard! I was so afraid that Dean would go on his merry way, not knowing what Sam did, but he knows. He knows and he doesn't know how to handle it because they neve rhand;le anything until its too late and then they have a big blow up about it.

I ....don't think I've used an explanation point....yet.

Next friday -
Dean and Cas. Dean is going after Sam. Well, so would I.
and I'd be pissed at people who kept the truth from me as well.

supernatural, episode review, spoilers, vampyre, season 6, sam winchester, dean winchester

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