Title - Of Birds and Feathers
Rating - R (but only because of conversation)
Pairing - perceived notions of Wincest.
Disclaimer - I do not own.
By - karma_abounds
This fic is inspired by ash_carpenter's anti-kink series, actually, its the threesome kink that inspired this. Though, you don't need to read that to get this. This fic is also dedicated to Ash-carpenter.
ash-carpenter.livejournal.com/129749.html#cutid1~ ~ ~
Castiel was one mixed up little angel.
Okay, so he wasn't completly stupid to the things Mortels got up two when they were thinking with their "down stairs" brain instead of the ones located in their heads. Females wer possibly the worst since they seemed to always be PMS-ing. Dean had tried to explain that once, But Cas didn't think Dean knew as much about as he thought he did. Sam later told Cas that Dean's explanation was a butt load of shit, so he wasn't supposed to take it seriously.
That, however - didn't help when Gabriel showed up one evening when Cas was perfectly happy sitting on a park bench in some random park in a random place in Mid-West America. Cas was perfectly happy to gaze at the stars and wonder at their Father's power. Gabriel was less wondering and more annoyed at the fact that all Cas thought he could do on the Mortel Level was stare at the Stars.
"Okay, little brother," Gabriel sat down beside Cas, "What do you know about these humans?"
"Not much," Cas replied. He looked around just to make sure that Zachariah wasn't going to barge in and smite Gabriel. Those two were almost as bad at fighting as Michael and Lucifer. Cas tended to become more annoyed with them - if he let himself have feelings - when they fought. They had enough to deal with as it was.
"Ah, so the other day when you poofed out of Dean and Sam's love making session, all dough-y eyed....was that because...?"
"No!" Cas interupted, "It isn't what you think you're thinking,"
"So, Dean and Sam aren't together?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow slyly at his younger brother.
Cas sighed; "I don't know," he finally let out.
The sound of feathers behind him and the chuckling of Zachariah had Gabriel turning and Cas hanging his head. He didn't want to see those two get off about who did what and why and how horrible it was to betray the family. Cas understood why Sam left for College, better than either of the Winchesters thought. Sometimes, he imagined going on a self imposed exile. But, that'd get no one anywhere, and Dean would be safer if Cas could keep closer.
"What do you want?" Gabriel wasn't all that happy to see Zachariah.
"Why, it looks as if our Little Brother needs the talk on the Birds and the Feathers," Zachariah replied with a smirk. He rounded the park bench and tookt he other side. Cas was now the pudding of an angel pie.
"Must you guys do this?" Cas asked, "I was perfectly all right waiting for orders," and that was a total lie.
Both Gabriel and Zachariah knew it but they didn't call him on it.
"Come on, Cassy! We're only trying to help," Gabriel was smirking evilly. Despite their troubles, it seemed that Gabriel could deal when it came to mortifying the younger brother.
"Cheesy pet-names help in this?" Cas asked.
"You've been around that Dean Winchester for far too long," Zachariah shook his head.
"Dean calls Sam cheesy pet-names," Cas replied, ignoring Zachariah's disproval.
"Oh really? you must give me the details!" Gabriel giggled.
"Hmmmmm.....I don't know for sure, there is Bitch and then he calls Sam...Baby after some harsh moaning..."
"Ha! Baby!" Gabriel rolled his eyes, "That isn't even a good pet-name, but that's a great segway to our discussion,"
"What discussion?" Cas blinked.
"Sex," Zachariah proudly proclaimed.
"That's what mortals do to populate the Earth," Cas said knowlingly.
"Not that sort of sex, silly!" Gabriel waggled eyebrows.
"Huh?" and Cas' confusion made both Zachariah and Gabriel crack up.
He had to wait for several moments before the two older Angels calmed down. They'd fallen into their brotherly rolls and Cas didn't want to disrupt it. This was a feeling he actually liked and was allowed to have. He liked being with his older brothers. He remembered, as a younger Angel - which is hard to calculate by Human standards - what it was like when he, Gabriel and Zachariah would fish in the golden ponds up in Heaven. They'd catch all sorts of bejeweled sallmon and sometimes even a squid.
Gabriel caught a knowing look in Zachariah's eyes, they all knew what the other was thinking and it was a nice memory. "Little Brother," Gabriel took on the tone of knowledge, "What Sam and Dean do in their motel room isn't just sex,"
"It's lust," Cas replied as if he knew.
"Do you watch them?" Zachariah asked.
"No, why?" Cas turned to him and cocked his head, "Do you?" and it came out with such a straight face that it took a few moments for the words to sink in before Zachariah was turning red in embarassment and Gabriel was giggling.
"No," Zachariah coughed but both Gabriel and Cas knew he was bull-shitting them.
"Anyway..." Gabriel went on, "What Sam and Dean do is known as gay sex,"
"That's against the Word," Cas muttered.
"So is doing it with your sibling, but that doesn't stop people, especially those in Kentucky," Gabriel shrugged.
"But how does that work?" Cas asked.
"The same as a man and woman," Zachariah was smiling it was the huge shit-eating sort.
"But a guy doesn't have two holes!" Cas blinked. The thought just wasn't going to commpute. He had no idea what the word meant but Sam used it sometimes and it was as good of a word as any to describe him right then.
"Maybe you should watch Sam and Dean, I bet they'd be happy to show you, since their so kinky and all!" Gabriel added. He pushed Cas ont he shoulder and Cas bumped into Zachariah which sent the Angel sprawling, undignantly, to the ground.
"Damn it, Gabriel!" Zachariah huffed.
"What? it was Cassy's fault!" Gabriel snarked back.
"Brothers! please!" Cas didn't want them to fight, "I have another question,"
"Yes, Dear Little One?" Gabriel cocked his head. Cas felt something weird fill hsi chest, he hadn't been called that in a very long time and no one but Gabriel ever called him that. It was a funny feeling. He liked it. He felt....loved.
"What do you call a thing that's bright pink and vibrates?" now it was his turn to slightly smile at Gabriel who put a finger to hsi lower lip in order to think.
Zachariah chortled in the back ground.
"A back massager," Gabriel finally said.
Cas giggled, it was an undignified sound and so he stopped; "a vibrator,"
that sent the older two into a fit of laughter.
"Damn, you do watch them, Cas!" Zachariah clapped Cas on the back.
"Kinky! remind me to put them into a porn shoot the next time I play a mind fuck on them!"
and the three, for once in as many Millenia as Castiel could remember, hung out like the Brothers they were.