I found this on Craigslist in the Rants and Raves section...

Jul 30, 2008 10:09

When are the blacks going to apologize?
Reply to: pers-775680010@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-07-29, 11:25PM PDT

For being such a fucked up race? plus they really need to get down on their collective knees and give thanks for slavery because without it they would still all be over in Africa and America would be one sweet country. Maybe all blacks should be made to spend one month over in Africa, maybe then they'd change their whinny attitude and shut the fuck up. Two of the biggest losers would be uncle Al and Jessie, I mean what the hell would they be doing if they were over in Africa? probably chasing rabbits with a stick and living in a mud hut dying of aids.

So no the House DID NOT apologize for all Americans, fuck the House. Also I see where there is a black caucus in the House, is there a white caucus?

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