Jan 05, 2008 00:55
Finally going home tomorrow!!! *knock wood* I was supposed to be home last week, but my mom got sick and was in the hospital, so we had to put off the trip until the 3rd of Jan, then I got to my friends' Lucie & Gina's house and the return was held off for another day and a half. I miss my computer and my PaintShop and my Sony Vegas Movie Studio. I'm feeling so creative and my only outlet is to play the Sims and create multiple human/alien/vampire/zombie/werewolf families and mess with their genes.
Other than my mom's sickness (which was an asthma-related thing that started off as a simple cough and gradually got worse), Christmas was great. I got pretty much everything I wanted and needed and lots of gift certificates to help me continue getting things I want/need. Very spoiled was I. One of my favourites is this awesome jacket my mom got me; it has a gold outline of a cat on the back. I also got a TON of books; I swear, I was on a high just trying to decide what to read first. I'm reading three books right now, though logic tells me I should pace myself so that I don't end up running out of books in a month and spending craploads of money I don't have on more books. Ooo, I bought both of Keith Olbermann's books; I love that man, he pretty much says what I'm thinking, but more eloquently with a good dose of snarkiness to boot. AND I got Stephen Colbert's book, YAY!
My kitties also got very spoiled, not just by me, but by my mom and Elaine and Lucie and Gina. Right now the boys are sleeping on the bed with me in the guest room (Lucie & Gina were nice enough to pick up my kitties for me before coming to get me). They seem happy enough; Koko was mad at me for about a second and Giggy was pissy for maybe an hour (he can hold a grudge). They're not big fans of Gina & Lucie's puppy Nanook, but he LOVES kitties, thinks they're the bestest toys. Giggy hisses at the pup, but Koko pretty much stands there and lets the puppy lick him before taking off for the safety of the basement. Koko also seems to be a fan of Gina's kitty Phantom, he's constantly sitting near her or trying to join her under the bed. Gina and I think he has a crush on her; she'll hiss and growl at him and he just sits there meowing at her. Sweet little guy.