Jun 30, 2010 22:14

Let the world know that the current administration in Puerto Rico denies liberty of press. Let the world know that average citizens cannot enter their own legislative sessions. Let the world know that they cannot protest peacefully without taking a shot of pepper spray or a blow to the head.

Students were demonstrating peacefully.  Some tried to enter the capitol, where the legislators were having hearings.  The police special forces then attacked both press and students.  Including students who were just sitting by the side, not part of the ones trying to enter the capitol building.

And yes, I know that what happens in my island is less bad that what happens in other places.  But it is still NOT democratic, it is still something that should not be allowed in a government considered democratic.

And consider this...  The political party in power, the group in power, those who have given the orders from being complete assholes in the UPR strike thing, to the police chief who ordered the attack on civilians today...  ALL of them belong to the party that, in its documents, officially, at least, wants Puerto Rico to become a state of the US.  Is this something that would be acceptable in the 50 states?  Is this something that would go without being publicly criticized?

Like my mom says, their greed and desire of power is what drives them.
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