Haunted By Your Shadow: Chapter 9

Feb 02, 2011 19:40

               “So you’re okay with me going to the bachelor party?” Adam’s strong arms hugged Katherine’s small waist tightly. He had just finished helping her wash the dinner plates and had his back leaned against the sink.

“Of course I am, baby,” Katherine insisted as she slid her hands up his chest, encircling his neck with her arms and kissed him. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Naked chicks everywhere,” he pointed out. One of the interns at the hospital was getting married in a few days and they were throwing him a bachelor party tonight.

“That’s what you think,” Katherine smiled, “but after spending all the money in liquor, they’d probably only have money left for one chick. Besides, I trust you.” She leaned in for another kiss.

“You are an angel.” Adam smiled, deepening the kiss. “I have to get going now.” He led himself to the front door and Katherine followed.

“See you tomorrow.” Katherine smiled, opening the door for him. “Have fun.” She kissed him goodbye and waited by the door until he was inside his car.


Adam was sitting at the bar of the strip club where the bachelor party was taking place, enjoying his drink when one of his colleagues approached him. “Dude, there’s this stripper,” he started in an agitated tone, “she says that for one-hundred fifty bucks she would let two of us into the VIP lounge and go topless.”

“Not interested.” Adam shook his head. “I’m only interested in my woman’s breasts,” he proudly announced, brushing him off.

“Wow, that’s gay.” The guy wrinkled his nose at Adam.

“I think that’s something to admire,” a blonde, green eyed stripper with a charming smile shared in her husky voice.

“Besides,” Adam continued, admiring the beauty the woman next to him possessed, “the hottest chick in this place is on her break right now.” Adam pointed at the blonde stripper.

“Whatever.” The guy rolled his eyes, turning away but immediately turned back around. “Do you have seventy-five bucks you can lend me?”

“Get lost,” Adam ordered, taking a sip of his drink.

“My break should be over in about five minutes,” the stripper offered in regard to the lap dance.

“I was just joking.” Adam winked.

“Good, because I would have been disappointed,” the stripper raised her eyebrow, “almost tempted to call your wife and tell her you couldn’t resist the temptation.”

“Ex-wife,” Adam corrected her.

“Oh.” The stripper smiled.

“How rude of me.” Adam extended his hand, realizing he hadn’t introduced himself. “Dr. Adam Mayfair.”

The stripper went pale upon recognizing the name, robotically accepting the shake hand from the doctor. “So, you’re dating your ex-wife,” the stripper acknowledged, trying to hide her shaky voice.

“For about six months now,” Adam announced proudly.

“I can see you’re really enjoying yourself.” The stripper didn’t know what she was doing; she wanted to run away but didn’t want any awkwardness, and on the other hand she was really interested in finding out how the ex-wife of the doctor next to her was doing.

“At first it was hard, but we got around it and now we’re having the time of our lives,” he shared, opening up to the stripper that had a vibe of confidence that made it impossible not to trust her. “She is just the greatest woman to walk this earth,” Adam smiled, having the stripper mirror his action.

“I bet she is,” the stripper sighed.

“Hey, you never told me your name,” Adam realized. “I can’t wait to tell Katherine about the friendly stripper I befriended.”

“Oh, you don’t need to do that.” The stripper shook her head, nervousness evident on her voice.

“Oh, c’mon,” Adam insisted.

“Robin, break is over. It’s your turn to get on that pole and shake that thing,” her boss interrupted, pointing at the gold wristwatch he was wearing.

“I have to go.” Robin smiled, getting up. “And be kind to her, okay?” she requested before turning around.

“I will,” Adam promised. “As long as you give us your blessing,” he added, facing Robin’s back.

“Why would you want a random stripper’s blessing?” Robin couldn’t swallow the knot in her throat.

“It was a joke.” Adam rolled his eyes as the blonde turned around to face him once more. “I thought it would be funny,” he added, making Robin laugh awkwardly.

“Nice meeting you, Dr. Mayfair.” Robin smiled, ready to go back to work.

“Call me Adam. And nice meeting you too, Robin.”

“Bye.” Robin waved, turning away and not looking back.


“Hello handsome,” Katherine greeted, opening the door to Adam and offering him a kiss.

“I brought you some flowers.” He handed Katherine a dozen red roses after accepting the kiss.

“Thank you,” Katherine smiled, “let me put them in some water.” She led Adam to the kitchen.

“So, how was the party?” Katherine asked, grabbing a vase from the top of her kitchen cupboard and filling it up with water from the kitchen sink.

“It was okay,” Adam said as he held Katherine’s back, “I befriended the stripper.”

“Really?” Katherine smiled as she walked to the kitchen counter with the vase full of water in her hand and opened the upper drawer to take a pair of scissors out of it. “Aren’t they delightful?” The redhead said sarcastically, mocking Adam’s enthusiasm.

“She gave us her blessing.” Adam smiled again, wrapping his arms around Katherine as she cut the stem of her roses so they could fit perfectly in her glass vase.

“Very inappropriate.” Katherine noticed the stripper’s pry into her relationship.

“It wasn’t like that,” Adam continued, seeking Katherine’s neck hidden underneath her long red hair.

“Listen, baby.” Katherine put the scissors down on the counter and turned around, wrapping her arms around Adam’s neck. “I’m glad you had a blast with the stripper,” she clarified, running her fingers through his dark hair, “but I really don’t need to know about that stripper’s indiscretions.” Katherine kissed his lips. “What happens in those strip clubs; stays in those strip clubs.” She winked turning around and going back to her chore.

“Okay,” Adam agreed, letting go of Katherine’s waist.


Chapter #10

kabin, katherine, robin, adam

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