Haunted By Your Shadow: Chapter 6

Dec 22, 2010 09:53

               Katherine bent down and picked up Adam’s shirt from the floor. “You should put this on,” she handed the shirt to Adam, “We are not doing it today either.”

Adam did as requested and put it on. “So, what happened?” he asked again, worried.

“I stabbed myself with a kitchen knife,” Katherine confessed, “around Christmas last year.” The revelation made Adam freeze; this woman was indeed no longer the Katherine he married. “I ended up locked in the loony bin for two months,” she shared.

“Why?” Adam was still in shock.

“I thought it would hurt less than reality,” she sobbed, looking down at her bare feet. “But it didn’t; now I have to live with that stupid scar mocking me for the rest of my life.”

“For what it’s worth,” Adam offered, “I know a surgeon that could erase it for half price.” Katherine just gave him a look and shook her head.

“I should get going.” She smiled, getting up from the couch and putting her shoes on. She walked herself to the door and Adam followed. “Talk to you later.” She kissed him.

“Thanks for breakfast.” Adam added.

“Anytime.” Katherine winked, turning around and starting to walk towards the elevator, Adam closing the door behind her.

To Be Continued....


Chapter #7

kabin, katherine, robin, adam

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