Haunted By Your Shadow: Chapter 3

Oct 22, 2010 20:42

“One Night Stand”

Katherine was waiting at the bar already on her second glass of wine, waiting for Adam Mayfair to arrive, a man that had been in her life for almost ten years.

As she waited, she thought about the times where everything was incredible between them. He had been a wonderful father figure to Dylan. He was playful and Katherine liked that. And even though somehow they’d lost what they had, he was always there for her.

He’d come back to save her from Wayne; that was the highlight of her entire marriage with the doctor and she would always be grateful to him.

Holding that thought she drank the last drop of wine in her glass. “Madam,” the bartender interrupted, handing her a Cosmopolitan drink, “This one is on the gentleman.” The bartender pointed at Adam Mayfair waiving with a grin on his face across the bar.

“Thank you.” Katherine smiled upon receiving the drink from the bartender, raising the glass and looking at Adam so he could be aware that she got her drink.

It only took Adam a minute to get next to Katherine. “Mrs. Mayfair, I believe,” He greeted. Katherine just gave him a look in return. “How is your Cosmopolitan?” he asked. “That’s your favorite drink, am I correct?” he flirted.

“You are.” Katherine smiled.

“Your table is ready,” The host let Katherine know.

“Table?” Adam repeated. “Can we eat here at the bar instead?” Adam asked the host.

“I’ll have someone bring you a pair of menus.” The host nodded and left.

“I don’t eat at bars,” Katherine reminded her ex, “I eat at tables with tablecloths and a nice centerpiece.” Katherine pointed out.

“So you are still full of it,” Adam noticed, calling the bartender with a gesture so he could refill his beer mug.

“So I thought you had to move back to Chicago.” Katherine changed the subject trying to guide the conversation to the purpose of the evening, catch up with her ex-husband.

“Did,” Adam admitted, “Just moved back a couple of years ago. The hospital offered me a deal I couldn’t refuse,” he continued. Adam grinned. “So you own a catering company?” he asked.

“Co-own.” Katherine corrected him, “I’m co-owner with Bree, you remember her right?”

“Yeah, the robotic redhead living next door,” Adam teased, making Katherine giggle.

It was already midnight and the former couple was still at the bar laughing, Adam had already 10 beers on his name and Katherine was not far behind in the alcohol department.

“I’ve been dying to ask you,” Adam confessed, “where does the plumber think you are?” he wondered, seeing the bottom of his eleventh beer.

“The plumber?” Katherine asked, confused.

“Your husband?” he added.

“No plumber and certainly no husband.” Katherine said, looking down at her half-empty glass of liquor.

“You dispatched him already?” Adam was amazed. “Well, I always thought he was a really lame catch, especially for an amazing woman like you,” Adam teased.

“What are you talking about?” Katherine was trying to figure out.

“Mike Delfino.” Adam pointed the obvious to his already pretty drunk ex-wife.

“Oh,” Katherine said. “I never married him,” she informed him, shaking her head and sipping through the straw in her drink.

“How drunk are you?” Adam wondered, “Because, yes you did.” He continued, “Dylan called me telling me that you married the guy in Las Vegas.”

Great! Katherine thought, not believing her craziness reached Adam’s ears. “I’m sure she called to let you know I was going to Vegas to marry him, which never happened.”

“NO, she called and said you were already married,” Adam insisted.

“I never married the jackass, OKAY?!” Katherine was obviously a bit upset.

“Well,” Adam lowered his voice, “for what it’s worth,” he said, getting closer to Katherine, “his loss my gain.” Adam winked while moving even closer to Katherine.


A cellphone went off, waking Katherine up, “Hello,” she answered, her state of drunkenness evident in her voice.

“Where the hell are you?” Bree wondered from the test kitchen, mixing something up in a plastic container.

“Well,” Katherine turned around noticing that a naked Adam Mayfair was still asleep next to her, “the Euskadi Hotel,” Katherine confessed guiltily.

“Oh. My. God,” Bree let out. “You slept with him?” She couldn’t believe it, and neither could Katherine.

“Only because I was drunk,” Katherine pointed out, defending herself as Adam started to wake up, moving closer to Katherine. “Gotta go,” Katherine said, hanging up on Bree.

“Good morning,” Adam grinned, sitting on the bed next to his ex-wife.

“Good morning,” Katherine replied. “How did you sleep?”

“Well, funny you ask,” Adam started, “I had this amazing dream,” he continued “Where I had really great sex with a really great woman.” Adam flirted while caressing Katherine’s naked arm.

“Sounds like one hell of a dream,” Katherine replied, getting up from the bed, covering her naked body with the sheet and starting to pick her clothes up from the floor.

“Wait. Where are you going?” Adam tried to stop Katherine.

“Work, and you should too,” Katherine suggested, shutting the bathroom door behind her.

Already alone in that hotel room’s bathroom, Katherine took a moment to process the events of last night. She’d found herself with the least expected person next to her naked in bed; she’d been there already. And it always ended up as a really bad idea.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Adam, who was asking her to stay longer and share breakfast with him. “I can’t,” Katherine informed him, “Bree just called, she needs me at the test kitchen right away.” She gave as a vague excuse, looking at her reflection on the mirror hanging above the sink.

“Please,” Adam begged as Katherine emerged from the bathroom.

He was only wearing a pair of boxers, which made Katherine take extra time to admire those pectorals. Katherine wanted so badly to rest her hands on them, but she couldn’t afford to; she was determined to make this a one night stand mistake as it should had been for her last two relationships.

The tension between them got thicker as Adam walked towards her, resting his big hands on Katherine’s hips, offering a kiss that she found herself unable to resist.

“Adam.” Katherine whispered, breaking off the kiss, begging her ex to stop.

“When can I see you again?” Adam asked, looking straight into her green eyes.

“I don’t think this is such a good idea,” Katherine confessed, brushing his hands off of her.

“Give me the opportunity to change your mind,” Adam offered, showing his interest in the redhead.

Katherine sighed and took a piece of paper and a pen out of her purse.  She wrote down her cellphone number with hesitation and handed the piece of paper to him.

“Thank you.” Adam smiled triumphantly, giving her a kiss on the cheek and opening the door of their hotel room for her to exit.

Chapter #4

kabin, katherine, robin, desperate housewives, kadam, adam

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