"30 Days of Doctor Who" Meme Part 2

Dec 10, 2010 17:29

*Still working a lot, even through my free time as I needed to step up for a colleague and I am tired, really tired.

*Glee was sweet and cute and made my all teary eyed.

*Today I bought myself a "Sprited Away" DVD, aaaaaah, such a nice movie :)
And on with the meme.

Day 5 - Favourite Guest Star

I am not sure if I can call her a guest star, I would say she was more an episodic character, but she is still one of my favorites, so:

I usually need a long time to like some character, so I usually dont like any episodic character. But I adored Madame Pompadour in Doctor Who at first sight. Maybe its because my love for history, but for me she was exactly the way she was supposed to be, strong and feminine, and absolutely perfect for the Doctor. And Sophia Myles is gorgeous!

2. Sarah Jane Smith/Elisabeth Sladen - Does this need a comment?
3. Wilfred Mott/Bernard Cribbins - Oh Wilf, Donna's biggest fan:)

Day 6 - Least Favourite Character

So, this is a difficult question! I love this show so much that to choose someone I didn't like makes me very uneasy but when I have to, I have to so:

I think Freema Agyeman did a great job playing this character, the problem was the way it was written. The Doctor took away all her confidence and made a ambitious young medical student into jealous teenager, I am sorry but this is the way I saw it. But yes, she changed and in the end saved the world. Still, I cant seem to make me like her more.

Day 7 - Favourite Episode

This episode made ma love this series so much:)

I cried the first time I saw it, I cried the second time too. Its sad, angsty and beautiful. For Rose is difficult to see her father dying and the Doctor is right at her side holding her hand. *sigh* Then Pete calls them a couple and they argue like a couple. *sigh* Then they are big bad creatures and the Doctor talks to baby Rose. *sigh* and more and more .... I would need to make a recap to list all my favorite moment in this ep. I just completely and utterly adore it! Get it?

2. School Reunion - Sarah Jane! Enough said.
3. Flesh and Blood - THAT scene in forest! I am not a Eleven/Amy shipper but THAT scene!

Day 8 - Favourite Series

Maybe I didn't list any episode of this series as my favorite but still, my favorite series is:

It is so different from all the others series and the reason is one and only, Donna! Maybe there aren't emotional episodes as "Fathers Day" or "School Reunion" but it has the miming through the window, it has Donna saving the universe and stepping up to the Doctor.

More hopefully soon:)

Day 1 - Favourite Incarnation of the Doctor
Day 2 - Favourite Companion
Day 3 - Favourite Villain/Monster/Alien/Baddie of the Week
Day 4 - Favourite Character
Day 5 - Favourite Guest Star
Day 6 - Least Favourite Character
Day 7 - Favourite Episode
Day 8 - Favourite Series
Day 9 - Least Favourite Episode
Day 10 - Favourite Scene/Moment
Day 11 - Scene/Moment that makes you cry
Day 12 - Scene/Moment that makes you giggle
Day 13 - Favourite Era visited by The Doctor & Co.
Day 14 - Fave Doctor Moment
Day 15 - Fave Rose Moment
Day 16 - Fave Martha Moment
Day 17 - Fave Donna Moment
Day 18 - Fave Amy Moment
Day 19 - Favorite Ship
Day 20 - Prettiest Scene
Day 21 - Favourite Location
Day 22 - Something Silly
Day 23 - Something Epic
Day 24 - Favourite Accessory of the Doctor's
Day 25 - Favourite Tardis Team
Day 26 - Scene/Moment that made you go 'awww'
Day 27 - Scene/Moment that made you go 'argh'
Day 28 - Favourite Series Arc
Day 29 - Favourite Music/Song
Day 30 - Why Do YOU Love Doctor Who

diary, doctor who, meme

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